Bondage SIG: Single Rope Ties with MataLeao

May 22, 2013 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm America/New York Timezone
440 Studios 440 Lafayette St. Please see assignment board for room number.

Rope can be expensive (especially for natural fibers) or time consuming to condition by hand. Carrying a full kit of rope with you to a party/event can be heavy or awkward. This class will guide students through steps to simplify and make their rope work more minimalistic. Students will be shown methods for determining the structural elements of various common Japanese style ties in order to break those ties down to their basic elements and create a simpler version using only one rope. Please bring one (and only one) rope 25-30 feet long.

Doors open at 7:30 pm – Meeting begins at 8 pm


TES is an NYC-based BDSM education and social group. Please visit our website at, and get announcements and event reminders in our group TES – The Eulenspiegel Society.